Graduate Equity Program
2025-2026 Academic Year Award
The Graduate Equity Program is designed to increase the diversity of students completing a graduate degree, encourage further study in a doctoral program and consider a university faculty career. This program is available to graduate students admitted in a State supported master’s degree program. Doctoral, credential only, certificate students, international, non-California residents, or students enrolled in a self-support master’s degree program (offered through CSUN’s Tseng College) are not eligible.
Award Amounts range from $2000 to $4000 for the academic year.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicants must be admitted in a CSUN State-supported master’s degree program.
- Applicants must be a California resident or have an AB540 affidavit on file.
- Applicants must have a FAFSA or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) on file for the upcoming academic year.
*FAFSA and CADAA Student Aid Index must be less than or equal to $10,000. - Applicants must be enrolled in at least half-time (4 units) for each term of the awarding year.
*Any change to your enrollment status resulting in less than required enrollment for any term within the award year will result in a cancellation of your award. - Undergraduate GPA must be greater than or equal to 3.25.
- Graduate CSUN GPA must be greater than or equal to 3.25.
- Graduate students must work closely with their faculty mentor on a project and participate in the CSUNposium which will be held in the spring semester (date to be determined).
- Applicants must upload copies of all undergraduate and graduate (if any) unofficial transcripts.
- Applicants must upload a personal statement that describes your educational and career goals, your research and/or creative activity, any research or employment you have participated in to advance your educational and career goals, and your commitment to completing a master’s degree and future goals.
- Applicants must request one letter of recommendation from a faculty member or employer ( no personal letters) via the scholarship portal.
Not Eligible:
- Applicants who have previously received this award.
- Doctoral, credential only, certificate students, international, non-California residents, or students enrolled in a self-support master’s degree program (offered through CSUN’s Tseng College)
- CSUN employees are not eligible, except TAs and GAs.
For questions regarding this scholarship opportunity please contact Office of Graduate Studies @ (818) 677-2138 or visit: for more information.
Please note: If you are receiving Financial Aid (including loans), your financial aid award(s) may be adjusted if you receive a scholarship amount that exceeds your financial aid total limit. Speak to a financial aid counselor during walk-in hours to get a detailed overview about your individual situation.
- Award
- $2,000 - $4,000
- Scopes
- CADAA Required, FAFSA Required, Graduate GPA ≥ 3.0, Undergraduate GPA ≥ 3.0, Graduate
- Deadline
- 05/18/2025
- Supplemental Questions
- Please upload: Copies of all unofficial undergraduate transcripts.
- Please upload: Copies of all unofficial graduate transcripts (if applicable).
- Semester and year you anticipate receiving your master's degree:
- I understand that I am required to work closely with my faculty mentor on a project and participate in the CSUNposium which will be held in the spring term.
- California Resident:
- Please indicate your parents' level of education:
- Father:
- Mother:
- Name of Faculty Mentor:
- Personal Statement: Please describe your educational and career goals, your research and/or creative activity, any research or employment you have participated in to advance your educational and career goals, your commitment to completing a master's degree and future goals.
- I am or will be enrolled in a State supported Masters degree program at CSUN.
- I am or will be a graduate student for the upcoming academic year.
- I will enroll in at least half-time (4 units) or more for each term of the upcoming academic year.
- I have submitted a FAFSA or California Dream Act Application for the current and upcoming academic year.
- Please request: A letter of recommendation from a faculty member or employer( no personal letters). The letter should include a signature, title, and contact information. The letter should be addressed to: *Award Selection Committee*.
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