Asian American Studies Scholarship Awards

Spring 2024: 2023-2024 Academic Year Award

Asian American Studies Scholarship Awards

Every year, Asian American Studies faculty members honor students for their achievements and contributions to the department, campus, and community. To be considered for one of the departmental scholarships, applicants must fulfill the eligibility requirements

Eligibility Criteria:

  • For monetary awards, students should’ve taken at least two Asian American Studies courses or one AAS course and another ethnic studies course
  • Students may self-nominate or be nominated by their peers or faculty.
  • AAS Majors, Double Majors & Minors will be given preference but all students who have taken at least two AAS courses or one AAS course & another ethnic studies course is eligible for monetary awards
  • AAS Student Awards Scholarship Application must be completed.
  • 500 words essay must be written (see below for essay prompt).
  • Short bio (50-100 words) must be provided.
  • One-page resume must be submitted (see suggested format).
  • Winner must be available for the AAS graduation/student awards ceremony on Sunday, May 19 from 12 to 5 pm.
  • If selected, submission of a photo of yourself will be required.

The APPLICATION DEADLINE IS Monday, April 15, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.
If you have any inquiries about the application, feel free to contact Professor Williams-Leon at

Essay Criteria:
Write one brief essay (500 words, see individual awards details for essay prompts)

Within the application – you will select one of the (monetary) scholarship awards you are applying to. These are the awards you can select from when completing this application on this
and submitting by the due date.*

Donna Kawamoto Special Achievement Award:
The student who receives this award may not necessarily have a high GPA or be considered a visible leader, but the student has demonstrated, within their essay submission, resiliency and a strong ability to overcome unusual hardships and life circumstances while pursuing higher education.

Enrique de la Cruz Social Justice Award:
The student who receives this award has demonstrated, within their essay submission, a commitment to ending social oppression, an impact on Asian and/ or Pacific Islander American communities on- or off-campus, and /or involvement in social justice organizations or projects; and completed or are in the process of completing community internship hours via the AAS 495 or 497 courses.

Eunai Shrake Promising Educator Award:
This award attempts to address the lack of Asian American representation in the teaching force, and recognizes students who have demonstrated, within their essay submission, a commitment to and potential for a career in the education field be it in the K–12 classroom or higher education.

Kenyon Chan Outstanding Leadership Award:
The student who receives this award is an AAS major, double major, or minor; and has demonstrated, within their essay submission, the goals and values of the department, as well as campus leadership. The student is engaged in practices that bridge the university and Asian and/ or Pacific Islander American communities, and has advanced Ethnic Studies through research and/or activism.

Laura Uba Academic Achievement Award:
The student who receives this award should be a major/double-major in AAS and has demonstrated, within their essay submission, a strong academic performance and critical understanding of AAS and/ or Ethnic Studies. Priority will be given to a student with senior standing.

Please note:If you are receiving Financial Aid (including loans), your financial aid award(s) may be adjusted if you receive a scholarship amount that exceeds your financial aid total limit. Speak to a financial aid counselor during walk-in hours to get a detailed overview about your individual situation.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Relationship to AAS
    • Are you a transfer student?
    • Class Standing
    • Degree Path with AAS
    • If you are an AAS Double Major or an AAS Minor, please indicate your (other) major program and/or additional minor programs you are pursuing (e.g., Double major in AAS and Chicano/o Studies, OR Chicano/o Studies major and AAS minor)
    • READ CAREFULLY: Please check if you have previously received the following scholarships. You will be considered for each award that you do not check. If you have never received any of the AAS scholarships listed and want to be considered for all of them, check the last box:
    • What is your AAS GPA?
    • What two qualifying courses have you taken? Please enter the courses and upload your dpr. courses or one AAS course and another ethnic studies course
  2. Please write a 500-word essay that describes your commitment to Asian American Studies and discusses why you are a strong candidate for an AAS departmental award. Try to address your academic achievements, campus and/or community involvement, your leadership or advocacy efforts, and/or special circumstances (e.g., financial need or other hardships) you would like the scholarship committee to consider in the application review process. A strong essay is one that speaks to the award descriptions and goals, is detailed yet concise, and appears to have been edited. Use the essay as an opportunity to add or provide context to the information you include in your resume/CV.
  3. Please upload: A brief autobiography and summary of how the scholarship will help you achieve your goal of certification. At the top of your document write your name and Student ID#. Under your Student ID# write: Autobiography
  4. Please upload a current resume/cv. Your resume should include the following: Educational Experience, Work Experience, Community Service/Volunteer Experience.
  5. If selected as a finalist, I agree to submit a photo of myself.