Jack Felthouse Scholarship

2024-25 Academic Year Award

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide students who have a visual disability with funds for their post-high school education. The scholarships shall be granted for the purpose of assisting students with the expenses of post-high school education, which may include tuition, laboratory fees, student activity fees, food, lodging, and related expenses and education-related computer hardware and software. Student must provide verification from a medical health professional that includes the best corrected visual acuity notations. The disability must be such that it impedes the educational process and necessitates accommodations, support services, or programs.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a continuing Undergraduate or Graduate (post-baccalaureate)
  • Open to all Majors
  • Undergraduate must have and maintain a GPA of at least 2.0
  • Graduate must have and maintain a GPA of at least 3.0
  • Undergraduate students must enroll in 6 units or more* during the Fall & Spring terms of the award year
  • Graduate students must enroll in a minimum of 4 units or more* during the Fall & Spring terms of the award year
    *Any change to your enrollment status resulting in less than full time enrollment for any term within the award year will result in a cancellation of your award.
  • Must upload a copy of your student resume.
  • Must have a visual disability and can provide verification from a medical health professional that includes the best corrected visual acuity notations
  • Must submit a letter of gratitude to donor

Please note:
If you receive Financial Aid (including loans), your financial aid award(s) may be adjusted if you receive a scholarship amount that exceeds your financial aid total limit. Speak to a financial aid counselor during walk-in hours to get a detailed overview of your individual situation.

Supplemental Questions
  1. I have a visual disability and can provide verification from a medical health professional that includes the best corrected visual acuity notations.The disability must be such that it impedes the educational process and necessitates accommodations, support services, or programs.
  2. My visual disability documentation is on file with DRES.
  3. What are your career and life goals after college?
  4. If granted an award, how will you use the money?
  5. Please upload: A copy of your student resume/CV. A student resume is a detailed record of your personal and educational information. It includes the name of your school/college, coursework, projects (if any) undertaken, and awards. The resume may also contain additional information like your extracurricular activities, volunteer experiences, job experiences (if any), hobbies, etc.