Journalism Alumni Association Scholarship Program

2025-2026 Academic Year Award

The CSUN Journalism Alumni Association (JAA) Scholarship Program was established to stimulate interest among CSUN journalism students and to assist them in pursuing academic and professional endeavors in the fields of journalism or public relations.

General Information about the JAA Scholarship Program:

  • The JAA generally awards two scholarships per year in the amount of $1000 each.
  • Scholarship may be used for any school-related expenses, such as tuition, room and board, books
    and lab fees.
  • The deadline for scholarship submission shall be set by the CSUN Journalism Department in accordance with other scholarships awarded in the spring.
  • Scholarships shall be awarded at the same time as those of the other CSUN Journalism Department’s scholarship programs.
  • The scholarship is open to all CSUN journalism majors (continuing and transfer students) of junior-level or senior-level academic standing who meet the scholarship criteria.


  • Must be in junior and senior standing with a declared journalism major at CSUN with at least 12 degree units remaining at end of the spring 2025 semester.
  • Must be a journalism or public relations major.
  • Must be and remain in good academic standing throughout the award year.
  • Must have a GPA greater than or equal to a 3.00.
  • Must enroll in 12 units or more during each term of the awarding academic year.
  • The Scholarship Committee shall use the following criteria in the selection of scholarship winners: portfolio 40%, GPA 20%, essay 40%.
  • The Journalism Alumni Association’s President and the Director of Scholarships shall select the members to serve on the Scholarship Committee.
  • The decisions of the Scholarship Committee shall be final.

All recipients of this award agree to submit a thank you letter addressed to the Alumni Association Board of Directors Scholarship Committee in order for award to disburse.

Should you have questions regarding this scholarship opportunity, please contact Craig Leener @

NOTICE: Students who use AI anywhere in their submission shall describe how they used the technology. This scholarship can ONLY be awarded to current/returning CSUN students. Students who are graduating and DO NOT plan on returning in an academic capacity in the term the funds are received are NOT ELIGIBLE to receive a scholarship.

If you are receiving Financial Aid (including loans), your financial aid award(s) may be adjusted if you receive a scholarship amount that exceeds your financial aid total limit. Speak to a financial aid counselor during walk-in hours to get a detailed overview about your individual situation.

Supplemental Questions
  1. What is your anticipated date of graduation:
  2. List your journalism course work GPA:
  3. Please list: Number of units completed within your major.
  4. Please list: Total number of units completed towards degree.
  5. Please write a brief essay (approximately 250 to 500 words) explaining why you are interested in pursuing a career in journalism or public relations — including your professional and personal goals — and attach it to this application.
  6. Please also attach two to three published or unpublished samples of your work. Samples may be from any journalism concentration — including broadcast, magazine, newspaper, public relations or photojournalism — and may consist of articles, audiocasts, photographs, press releases, etc. Include with your samples a brief description detailing your involvement.
    *File upload must be in .pdf, .docx, .doc, .xlsx, .txt, .mp4, .rtf or .odt format. Please do not add any special characters to your file name.
    • Published or Unpublished sample 1
    • Published or Unpublished sample 2
  7. (Optional) Published or Unpublished sample 3
  8. Please respond to the following:
    • Please list any honors, awards and achievements in school, in the community, or in journalism.
    • Please list employment and internship experience, if any, during the last four years.
  9. Please list three references, including at least one Journalism Department Faculty member.

    Please do not include relatives

    • Letter of Reference #1
    • Letter of Reference #2
    • Letter of Reference #3
  10. Please state any additional information you believe would be useful to the Scholarship Committee.

    In addition, if you used AI anywhere in your submission, please describe how you used the technology.

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